

United States Congress

CHW briefed the staff of Congressman Adam Schiff (California 30th District) in advance of a letter sent by Rep. Schiff and 47 co-signing Members of Congress on June 26, 2024 to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. The letter called on Secretary Blinken to ensure that all U.S. diplomats prioritize the protection of cultural heritage by raising the issue “at every meeting with officials at all levels of the government of Azerbaijan


House of Lords (United Kingdom) International Relations and Defence Committee

CHW provided a brief to the committee in advance of its meeting on Nagorno-Karabakh on January 10, 2024. A question focused on cultural heritage and CHW’s evidence can be found at 10:47:45.


United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)

2023 Annual Report (p. 50) cites CHW’s investigation of the destruction of St. Sargis.


United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)

2022 Azerbaijan Report–Recommendation for Special Watch List.


United States Department of State

2021 Report on International Religious Freedom: Azerbaijan.


United States Department of State

2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices: Azerbaijan.