In The Media

June 5, 2024

Angriff auf Armeniens religiöses Erbe

November 27, 2023

Bergkarabach: Kirchen und Klöster bedroht?

October 26, 2023

Le Quotidien de l’Art
Quel avenir pour le patrimoine architectural du Haut-Karabagh

September 10, 2023

Radio France International
Fears over future of Armenian culture in Nagorno-Karabakh

June 15, 2023

Radio France Internationale, Religions du Monde Podcast
Arménie – Haut-Karabakh: conséquences du conflit sur le patrimoine cultuel et culturel

September 23, 2022

Au Nakhitchevan, l’Azerbaïdjan a détruit 98 % du patrimoine arménien

Le Journal des Arts covers CHW report on the ‘Silent Erasure’ of Armenian cultural heritage in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan. Read more here.

September 16, 2022

US Researchers Confirm 98% of Cultural Armenian Heritage Sites in Nakhichevan Destroyed by Azerbaijan

Hyperallergic reports on CHW’s work. Read more here.

September 12, 2022

Report shows near-total erasure of Armenian heritage sites

The Cornell Chronicle covers the release of CHW’s Special Report, Silent Erasure: A Satellite Investigation of the Destruction of Armenian Heritage in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan. Read more here.

March 25, 2022

A Vicious Circle of Cultural Erasure in Azerbaijan

The work of CHW is mentioned in an OpEd in the Wall Street Journal by Simon Maghakyan. Read the story here.

February 22, 2022

Actualités orientales : le Haut-Karabagh et l’art éthiopien

CHW satellite images appeared in a segment on cultural heritage in Nagorno-Karabakh that aired on France TV. The program can be viewed here until March 20, 2022.

January 24, 2022

Cultural Desecration Is Racial Discrimination

Simon Maghakyan analyzes the significant ruling at the International Court of Justice in Foreign Policy, mentioning the important role of CHW’s work. Read here.

August 23, 2021

Satellite Imagery Reveals Azerbaijan’s Persistent Erasure of Armenian Heritage Sites

Hyperallergic profiles CHW’s work. Read the story here.

July 8, 2021

Satellite monitoring documents cultural heritage at risk, Cornell Chronicle

The Cornell Chronicle reports on the work of CHW. Read more here.

June 1, 2021

Declassified satellite images show erasure of Armenian churches, The Art Newspaper

CHW was happy to provide declassified satellite imagery for Simon Maghkahyan’s special investigation of the destruction of the Armenian churches of Agulis, published in The Art Newspaper. Read more here

May 7, 2021

Azerbaijan begins controversial renovation of Armenian church, Eurasianet

Eurasianet comments on CHW’s alert concerning the destruction of the Armenian cemetery in Mets T’agher. Click here to read the story.

April 27, 2021

Après la guerre au Haut-Karabakh, le patrimoine culturel arménien menacé, Le Monde

Le Monde comments on the work of CHW. Click here to read the story.

April 20, 2021

Activity at Recaptured Church in Azerbaijan Raises Concern

RFE/RL reports CHW’s alert concerning heavy machinery in the area of Vank’asar. Click here to read the story.